
Animal liberation front documetarty
Animal liberation front documetarty

They deployed fiery protests outside HLS, many of which are shown in the film. But there soon emerged a more underground resistance - an organization callings themselves Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty. The outrage from organizations like PETA was to be expected. In addition, some footage showed research staff heaping on additional abuse in the course of carrying out their experiments. Covert footage shot inside the labs showed cruel experiments on all sorts of species, including beagles and monkeys. But to see their faces and hear them talk about their actions years later is another experience entirely.īy way of backstory, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) runs three animal-testing facilities - one in the US and two in the UK. I’ve read about the SHAC-7 - a reference to the seven individuals originally arrested for running the operation - in books like Green is the New Redby Will Potter. That changed when I watched “ The Animal People,” a late-2019 documentary covering the extraordinarily effective - and sometimes troubling - activism of the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC) organization. Seeing as I no longer actively seek out videos or articles covering direct action in defense of animals, I haven’t had that feeling - the persistent, burning motivation to do whatever I can to improve animal lives - I get when I read about or watch the ALF and organizations like them. I’ve written before about the role animal rights “extremists” like the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) had in my journey toward veganism.

Animal liberation front documetarty